The latest creation of Be The Hamster!
At its recent debut event, it was a huge hit. The equipment mesmerizes as it creates art as unique as the individual.
How it works:
This machine has three individual yet interconnected pendulums labeled Fame, Fortune, and Family. Fame travels left to right, Fortune swings from up and down, and Family swings in a circular motion. (Why? Because isn't that just life?) The pendulums swing independent of each other, but are all connected to a singular point of contact that creates the art. The individual gives Fame, Fortune, and Family each a push or pull based on their hopes and dreams, and as the stylist comes into contact with the canvas, the art begins to take shape. Hypnotic patterns keep all eyes watching as the art comes to light. Each masterpiece is 100% as unique as the individual's aspirations and dreams! Let's put your dreams to paper today!